Monday, September 7, 2009

I am longing, longing, longing for those end-of-summer foods that are being spooned onto paper plates today, far from here: corn (how I miss corn! Buttered, creamed, baked into bread, even popped!), juicy tomato salads (the Kazakh ones are good, but not as good as I remember from Midwestern farmer's markets), sugary barbeque sauce, bright yellow mustard, creamy slaws and tangy sweet pickle relishes, real brownies (brazenly half-baked and almost frozen from the cooler), sugar cookies with m&ms in them...

1 comment:

The Expatresse said...

These American holidays can be so depressing when I'm abroad. I don't get the same thrill from the holidays that are unique to the host country.

Corn. Yeah. Silver queen. With butter and salt and pepper. And a squeeze of lime.