Thursday, July 23, 2009

Me: "How would you say big shout out, in Russian?"
A: "Privet."
In any case, we're beaming big wishes to nephew T. on his seventh birthday. Enjoy the day!


The Expatresse said...

Where do you go for haircuts in Moscow. You're near Expat Salon, aren't you? (I've never been). I end up at the Persona in our building, but we can't talk. My husband writes me nots in Russian ("She wants bangs to cover her wrinkles . . . otherwise, just keep it age appropriate.").

Worst salon chat I ever had was in Miami, while I was getting my eyebrows waxed.

Her: "Y tu bigote tambien?"
Me: "No tengo bigote!"
Her: "Umm . . . si. Lo siento."

ccn said...

Yes, Expat Salon, that's where we went - the one near the pond.
I remember now that, after living in Hungary for a few months, years ago, I offered to "translate" for my visiting husband at a Debrecen barber. Not good results. But I maintain it was not solely my fault... the man used to pairs of scissors, one in each hand! Husband looked like an army conscript...

The Expatresse said...

You can speak Hungarian? Hats off to you! I thought no human being can learn Hungarian. All I can say is "yes." But not sure I can spell it. (lived in SK for 7 years . . .)

ccn said...

No -- I cannot speak Hungarian. Eight months at tudomanyegyetem (!) and fifteen credit hours later, I cannot speak it at all.